Pull-Ups® Night-time Potty Training Pants for Girls

For a consistent day to night potty routine

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Why Pull-Ups® Night-time Training Pants?

Pull-Ups® Night-time potty training pants are designed for a consistent day to night potty routine, with an extra absorbent layer for a good night's sleep.


Underwear like designs with Disney© graphics that Big Kids love.


Extra absorbent layer gives Big Kids extra protection for a good night's sleep while providing consistent routines.

Stretchy sides for easy removal make it easier for Big Kids to pull the pants up and down without help.

What makes up Pull-Ups® Night-time Training Pants?

Waistband, inside flap and leg elastics


Polyurethane and polypropylene.

What is it used for?

Helps to provide a snug fit while keeping wetness and mess in.

Waistband, inside flap and leg elastics


Polyurethane and polypropylene.

What is it used for?

Helps to provide a snug fit while keeping wetness and mess in.

Disposable tape


Polyethylene, polypropylene and adhesives.

What is it used for?

Helps convenient disposal.

Outer cover


Polypropylene and polyethylene printed with colourants.

What is it used for?

Helps keep wetness in.

Wetness indicator


Adhesive and colour-changing dye.

What is it used for?

Lets you know when your big kid is ready to be changed.

Absorbent padding


Superabsorbent (sodium polyacrylate), wood fluff pulp, polypropylene, polyester, viscose fibre (day only) and colourant.

What is it used for?

Pulls in fluid to help keep your little one comfortable and dry.

Body Side Liner



What is it used for?

Pulls in fluid and helps provide a layer of protection for your little one's skin.

For every step of your parenting journey.